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Tag: writing

How to Novelize Your Screenplay

How to Novelize Your Screenplay

Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, do you know if your novel is publishable? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Jeanne Covert, an author, screenwriter and member of the Writing Gym about how she knew when she was ready to publish. Jeanne is a….

How to Research Your Historical Novel

How to Research Your Historical Novel

Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you ready to stop wasting time and get that book written? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Bill Kovarik. Bill is a journalist and professor. As a reporter, he’s worked…

Journal to Novel: How to Turn Your Experiences Into Published Novel

Journal to Novel: How to Turn Your Experiences Into Published Novel

Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to build your writing resume? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Claire Fullerton. Claire Fullerton is a columnist, essayist and author who has published four novels. Her latest book, Litte Tea, is about the culture of the American south, old friendships, and family tragedy.

How to Find the Best Writing Feedback

How to Find the Best Writing Feedback

Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, ready to come out of the shadows and write with pride? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Barbara Pattee is a women’s fiction author and member of the Writing Gym. She is currently in the Publishing Mastermind, revising her novel. Since joining the Writing Gym, she’s had close to a dozen short stories published.