Great Beginnings: Getting Your First Few Chapters Publication-Ready

Great Beginnings: Getting Your First Few Chapters Publication-Ready

Great Beginnings: Getting Your First Few Chapters Publication-Ready
You know you’ve got a great story idea, but how do you make it so great that it rises from slush pile to publication?

Author and Writing Coach Annalisa Parent has helped hundreds of writers to improve their craft and to become published authors. She knows the inside tricks to get your writing publication-ready. In this workshop, she will walk you through a straightforward system for plotting your fiction to ensure you write a book that makes readers say “I couldn’t put it down” and the steps necessary to pace your first five pages of your manuscript to catch an agent’s/publisher’s interest.

She will cover important topics such as:
-How and when should you use backstory?
-Where is the best point in the narrative to start?
-What is the most effective build to the climax?

You’ll walk away with a bucket load of information and resources to keep and put to action, so you can cross “Become an Author” off your bucket list.

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