Weekly Writing Reps
The Writing Gym podcast is a writer’s go-to source for quality information about how to finish, publish, and market writing in all genres. Not only does it give you the implementable steps you need, it’s fun. No snorefest here. You’ll laugh at the Quirk O’ the week and enjoy hard-hitting advice from top agents, best-selling authors, and publishers from across the globe.

The Writing Gym Podcast is hosted by Andi Brixey and features the Writing Gym’s resident writing coach, Annalisa Parent.
Turn Your Passion into a Book: The Go-Giver Marriage Part 1
https://traffic.libsyn.com/writinggym/Ep_181_John_and_Ana_Pt._1.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSTurn Your Passion into a Book: The Go-Giver Marriage Part 1 Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to turn a seed of an idea...
Answer: Is My Writing Good Enough?
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Ep_180_Denise_Cloutier.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSAnswer: Is My Writing Good Enough? Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about querying a literary agent? In this episode, Annalisa...
How to Publish Your Short Stories with Stephen Oliver
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to become a full-time writer? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with published author Stephen Oliver. Stephen is a science fiction…
From the Archives: How to SELL your book with the Go-Giver’s Bob Burg
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to make money writing? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with bestselling author Bob Burg. Bob is the author of a number of books on….
From the Archives: Writing Award-Winning Books in Multiple Genres
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how authors write successfully in multiple genres? In this episode, Annalisa Parent and Andi Davies speak with Cristina Istrati. Cristina is a renowned author…
How to Novelize Your Screenplay
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, do you know if your novel is publishable? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Jeanne Covert, an author, screenwriter and member of the Writing Gym about how she knew when she was ready to publish. Jeanne is a….
How to Research Your Historical Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you ready to stop wasting time and get that book written? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Bill Kovarik. Bill is a journalist and professor. As a reporter, he’s worked…
Stuck in Writer’s Block? How to Move Forward and Write that Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you ready to get out of writer’s block and write? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Maria Chapman. Maria is a women’s fiction author who finished the first…
Journal to Novel: How to Turn Your Experiences Into Published Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to build your writing resume? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Claire Fullerton. Claire Fullerton is a columnist, essayist and author who has published four novels. Her latest book, Litte Tea, is about the culture of the American south, old friendships, and family tragedy.
How to Publish Short Stories in Anthologies and Magazines
In this episode, Annalisa speaks with author Hannah Johnson about how she did just that. After finishing her novel in under two months…
How to Find Your Writing Voice
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you ever wondered what it’s like to spend a career in journalism and then take a shot at novel writing? In this episode, Annalisa speaks…
How to Find the Best Writing Feedback
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, ready to come out of the shadows and write with pride? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with Barbara Pattee is a women’s fiction author and member of the Writing Gym. She is currently in the Publishing Mastermind, revising her novel. Since joining the Writing Gym, she’s had close to a dozen short stories published.
How to Write a True Crime and Mystery Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you ever wondered why you can’t put down your favorite true crime or mystery? Learn what goes into writing a book like that…
How to Write Your Truth
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering how to write realistic fiction without feeling overwhelmed by the content? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with…
From Fantasy to Mystery: How to Fiction Genre Hop
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Trish_Edsen_Episode.mp3https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Trish_Edsen_Episode.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSFrom Fantasy to Mystery: How to Fiction Genre Hop Hey there Writers and Muse...
How to Stop Struggling and Publish Your Novel
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Natalie_French_Episode.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow to Stop Struggling and Publish Your Novel Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, do you feel stuck after trying to tackle publishing all on your...
How to Make a Living as a Writer
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Dan_Clements_Episode.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow to Make a Living as a Writer Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a successful ghostwriter? In this...
How to Revise your Novel to Publish Well
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Sonee_Singh_Episode_164.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow to Revise your Novel to Publish Well Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, do you ever feel like your plot has lost all its momentum? In this...
How To Publish In More Than One Genre
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/John_David_Mann_Podcast.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow To Publish In More Than One Genre Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about what it really looks like to revise? In this...
The Key to Confidence and Novel Writing Success
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Jill_Smith_Episode.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSThe Key to Confidence and Novel Writing Success Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you been wondering how to get into the publishing game and...
How To Prepare Your Novel Draft For Publication
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you struggling to find your character’s voice? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with author Leah Weiss.
How to Launch Your Freelance Writing Career
Hi there writers and Muse Daters. This week Annalisa speaks with freelance author Tashya Knight on how she built her freelance career.
How To Take Rejection And Keep Going
Hey there are you curious about what publishers really think when rejecting your work? In this episode, Annalisa speaks with author and publisher Cassandra L. Thompson.
How to Move From Draft to Publish-Ready with Actionable Feedback
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, do you ever wonder what the real value of professional feedback is? Or maybe you’re curious about how to overcome your writer’s block. Check out this week’s episode of the Writing Gym Podcast for answers!
What Does a Literary Agent Do?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, do you find yourself wondering what a literary agent really does? Or maybe you’re wondering how to make your query letters stand out in an inbox.
How to get an Audiobook Deal for Your Book
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how the audiobook industry?
Beyond the MFA: the REAL tools for publication
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how you can actually publish and what to do once you receive an offer?
Get a Literary Agent to Request Your Manuscript
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how you can get literary agents to request a full manuscript from you?
What Do Authors Say About the Author Lifestyle?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about what the author lifestyle actually looks like?
Writing with Confidence
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip, Annalisa shares insights about to gain confidence in your writing.
Beat World-builder’s Disease & Finish that Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to best build the world of your novel?
Path to Publishing
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip, Annalisa shares insights about the journey from writing to publishing your work!
Market Your Writing Like an Authorpreneur
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how sell your books and engage your audience authentically?
Creativity Vortex
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip, Annalisa shares writing insights on PBS interview, “Creative Living with Sharen Borden.”
You CAN Finish That Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you struggling to finish your novel?
Daily Checklist
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip, President of New Shelves Books, Amy Collins gives one piece of key advice to aspiring writers about what writers can do every day to improve.
Expanding the Influence of Your Writing
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about to make your writing more impactful?
The Right Feedback
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip, author and Writing Gym alum, Vivian Jamieson gives one piece of key advice to aspiring writers about how to get useful feedback.
Finding Clarity and Purpose in Your Writing
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you struggling to find clarity and purpose in your writing?
Hybrid vs Traditional Publishing
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip Annalisa speaks about the different ways you can publish.
Know Your Audience
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip, children’s book author Mike Bender gives one piece of key advice to aspiring writers about knowing your audience.
A Holiday Special
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, happy holidays from the Writing Gym team!
No Substitute for Practice
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip, New York Times Bestselling Author Brandon Webb gives one piece of key advice to aspiring writers.
Hurdles in the Publishing Process Made Clear
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about the complexities of the publishing process?
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip Annalisa speaks about how to incorporate exposition into your novel.
Do You Want Agents to Ask for Your FULL Manuscript?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about the querying process and how to get requests for your full manuscript?
Character Behavior
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/Ep._122_Character_Behavior.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSCharacter Behavior In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip Annalisa speaks about how to figure out the behavior of your characters in your...
Expanding Your Creative Reach as a Writer
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to find professional partners to help you grow your creative impact?
Finding Your Best Writer
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip Annalisa speaks about how to find your best writer.
Make the Author Lifestyle Happen for You
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how to actualize your publication dreams?
How to Integrate Characters
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip Annalisa speaks about the best way to integrate characters into your novel.
A Deep Dive into the Publishing Process
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about the publishing process?
The Best Way to Develop Characters
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip Annalisa speaks about developing and creating characters for your novel.
Your Writing Needs You ─ Don’t Give Up!
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you looking for inspiration to continue writing?
How to Get a Return on Your Writing Investment
In this week’s Tuesday Writing Tip Annalisa speaks about how writers can determine the value of the feedback they receive on their writing
Make Your Writing Stand Out Among the Rest
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about how to make your writing standout among a sea of writing?
How to Trust Writing Professionals
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you been wondering about trusting agents and publishers with your manuscript?
It’s Possible – A Novel in Under 2 Months
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about the possibility of completing a manuscript in under 8 weeks?
How to Avoid Overthinking Your Writing
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you been wondering about how you might be overthinking your writing and how to avoid that?
Behind the Scenes with an Executive Editor
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about the role of an Executive Editor and how publishers support their titles?
Should You Write With the Trend?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you been wondering about how to balance writing your own ideas rather than cliches?
An Open Mind Can Unlock Your Writing
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about the revision process for your novel?
How to Deal with Backlash and Rejection?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you been wondering about how to face backlash and rejection?
How to Get Publishers to Take a Risk on Your Debut Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about how to get your debut novel published?
Why Write if You’re Not Getting Paid for it?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you reflected on why you write?
Is My Writing Any Good? How Top Authors Know
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about how to know if your writing is actually good?
How Deadlines Can Help You Revise Your Book
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, have you ever been in stuck revising with no end in sight?
What Goes on Inside a Literary Agent’s Head
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about the life of a literary agent?
Writing Gym Podcast: 100 Helpful Writing Tips
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, welcome back to the Writing Gym podcast!
How to Concentrate on Writing
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks with Marlena Leach, one of the authors over in the Writing Gym.
How Writing Voice Can Help You Land an Agent
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks with Jeff Kleinman, a founding partner of Folio Literary Management LLC.
How to Get REAL Publishing Results
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/lauren2full.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow to Get REAL Publishing Results Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about how publishing can help you find success? In this episode,...
What Quality Feedback Can Do For Your Writing
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Lauren Barker, member of the Writing Gym.
How Coaches Can Grow Their Business with the Right Expert Book
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you wondering about writing an expert book?
5 Targets to Hit to Bring You Bring Closer to a Successful Book
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Honoree Corder, author of dozens of books.
Authors Talk the Real Deal on Writing and Publishing a Novel
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about marketing and publishing your book?
How Would it Feel to Get TWO FULL Manuscript Requests… on the Same Day?
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Jeanne Covert about getting TWO FULL manuscript requests on the same day.
Do Deadlines Really Help You to Finish Writing a Book?
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Chris West about setting deadlines for writing.
How Writing Salon Jumpstarts Writing Flow Through Neuroscience
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Lauren Barker about the usefulness of Writing Gym salons.
What is it Really Like to be an Author?
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Brendan Thompson about tensions between writerly vision and marketability.
How to Define Author Success
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Becky Nesbitt, Executive Editor of Random House about supporting first time authors.
How to Finally Shed that Skin and Write the Book
In this featured highlight episode, Annalisa speaks to Manny Wolfe about the process of finally writing a book.
How to Get a Traditional Publisher to Publish Your Self-Published Book
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you trying to find a traditional publisher for your self-published book?
How to Get an Editor’s Attention with Your Self-Published Book
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Kel Kade, a New York Times bestselling author, about how an editor picked up her book.
The Secret to Finding Time to Write
In this featured minisode, Annalisa speaks to Allie Powers about scheduling writing time when raising a toddler.
How Can I Find the Time to Write?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you struggling to find the time to write?
How Much Support Do Traditional Publishing Houses Really Give First Time Authors?
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about traditional publishing?
How Top Authors KNOW Their Book is Traditional-Publishing Ready
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about when to know if your book is ready for traditional publishing?
What Literary Agents Really Think About Your Manuscript
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about how literary agents think about your manuscript?
How to Land Your Ideal Literary Agent
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, on this episode of the Writing Gym podcast, Annalisa speaks with Jeanne Covert about how she found her literary agent.
How to Optimize Digital Marketing for Your Book
https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/writinggym/chriswestfull.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSHow to Optimize Digital Marketing for Your Book Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, on this episode Annalisa speaks with Chris West. Chris is an engaging...
How to Fall in Love with Your Writing Again
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you in a rut, or feel like you have fallen out of love with your writing?Â
How To Write and Publish a Book
Hey there Writers and Muse Daters, are you curious about the process of writing and publishing?
How Deadlines Can Work Against Writers, Despite Best Intentions
Today I talk with Annalisa about accountability: why it’s important, how the right kind of accountability can accelerate a writer’s progress, and the wrong kind of accountability can stop a writer in his tracks.
Retreat to Writing
Check out this full episode all about the England retreat with Michele Romaine!
How to Find the Peace and Quiet You Need to Write
Michele Romaine of the England Retreat shares a snippet of her secrets!
How to Overcome Fear and Writer’s Block and WRITE That Book
Check out the full episode featuring how to overcome your fear and finally conquer your block!
The Connection Between Neuroscience and Writing
Find out how your brain works when you’re writing and how to use it to your advantage!
Book to Speaking Career: How to
Check out the full episode with Mark Hardcastle!
How Long Should it Take to Write a Book?
Check out this highlight episode with author and inspirational speaker Mark Hardcastle.